Tuesday 17 July 2012

Musings on the blog and creativity (mostly creativity)

Part of the deal for the blog is that unless I can sustain three posts a week as a minimum there's really not much point in having a blog.  Also being interesting three times a week sounded sort of doable.  Now, of course, it feels like a lot of pressure.  I missed last Friday because ... well there's really no excuse as three posts a week really doesn't sound all that excessive.

This made me think about creativity in general.  Now none of these thoughts are particularly revolutionary but I'm sure that just about everyone involved in a creative endeavour at some point has thought about the need to be creative on demand.  There's a mystique that surrounds creativity.  Its origins are, by nature, somewhat  vague.  I couldn't tell you where inspiration comes from nor could I tell you why it happens. The muse tends to hit me with an idea at the most inopportune moments.  It's frustrating and glorious.  

However I do not think that creativity is entirely at the mercy of a Greek mythological creature (though that would be a good excuse when I'm really suffering from a lack of ideas).  Creativity or the internal ideas machine is most commonly compared to a muscle.  If you use it it will grow and if you neglect it it will wither away.  I like to compare it to a plant, creativity needs a lot of conditions to be right for it to grow well.  Certainly you can do things to help it along but ultimately if the conditions are hostile to creativity it won't flourish.  I don't think it's a delicate hothouse flower, it's actually a very hardy plant it will survive almost anywhere but you do need to prune and feed and harvest for there to be any point to it.

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