Wednesday 12 August 2009

teddy boys

my current bout of summer cold (or is it swine flu!??) obviously has rotted my brain as i now have embarked upon the next project - making a teddy! it started pretty simply but has VERY quickly escalated to a level that really would warrant some sort of sectioning.

instead of making simple teddy - 2 bits o' cloth, stitched together, chuck on some buttons, and knock it up with some stuffing. but nooooooo. no no Ditte is TEEDY MANIAC! so now have made a hundred bits to stitch together and attach to eachother. it is so throughly overwhelming i nearly forgot to make legs! creepy.

i had to sit down and plan in my head - and drew a template, roughly guessed for ratios and have ambitiously decided that there should be bits that are protruding (belly and snout) - made out of the same towelling material i used for the rattle.

needless to say it will either be a rip-roaring success (never to be repeated due to frayed nerves) or a TOTAL failure, which will be put in the large craft box, to serve as a reminder not to attempt anything unless 100% compus mentus.

i have almost finished the head - so far so good, but am now on the worst part which is sewing the two faces together, with the stuffing in the middle. boooring! haven't the foggyest how this will turn out, i guess its a cross your digits kinda time. -d-

1 comment:

  1. Sounds amazing!! I can't wait to see the finished product.

    But wouldn't you be better off sewing the face first and then doing the stuffing? Or am I misunderstanding? After all if you are sewing the face together, can't you leave a hole at the bottom where it will join with the body and sew it up roughly after stuffing. No one will see that join anyway.

    Will post close ups later today.

