Monday, 31 August 2009

Nam nam Banan

Or Yum yum banana to the anglophiles ...

I had a desire for banana bread this morning. So I duly went forth and examined my cooking books (of which there are many) and came away shaking my head at what can only be described at overenthusiastic folly. Why why why put lemon and orange and cinnamon and nuts into banana bread. Now that's an awful lot of flavours going on. Or a generous helping of extra dried fruit (banana's were obviously not enough). Or the sacrilege of raisins and currents - shudder.

Undetered I stauntered off to Sainsburys where there is frequently a bank holiday whoopsy on stock control and much stuff is on offer. Frequently overripe bananas feature and indeedily I picked up a kilo of fairtrade lovelies for only £1.

I decided to wing it with the recipe and the result is currently being enjoyed with a cup of tea.

You will need:
2 mixing bowls (1 large, 1 small)
1 bread tin

Mix these dry ingredients in the large bowl:
225g self raising flour (I used white but I think it would be nice with wholemeal too)
1tsp cinnamon (if you adore cinnamon increase this to 2tsp but I prefer my banana bread to taste of bananas)
150g sugar

Wet ingredients - add to dry ingredients and stir with enthusiasm
100g butter - melted
2 medium eggs
450g bananas (preferably a bit over ripe) - mashed up roughly with a fork in the other bowl.

Optionals - I roughly chopped ca 100g of dark chocolate and stirred in at the end.
100g Walnuts or pecan nuts roughly chopped
100g Dark chocolate roughly chopped

I then poured the batter into a bread tin and baked at 180degrees centigrade for 1hr 10mins (but I think I could have taken it out about 5 mins earlier)

I like my banana bread still warm from the oven with the chocolate all melty.

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