Monday, 3 August 2009

get your BOXing gloves out

alright alright i know, i just couldnt think of anything wittier.

i am almost done with the box of firsts, just have to figureout the final version of the firsts list. i have made the little boxes (milk teeth, first christmas, first birthday, first holiday). i will also make a small book for my first words, and my first nursery rhyme. i am going to steal charlotte's idea about the first steps.

i will also add a list of the following
- first football match
- first trip to Tivoli (thats a copenhagen thing)
- first sejltur op af aaen (thats a Line and i thing he he)
- first trip to Lydolphs Isbar
want to think of a few more but i think this is a fairly decent start!

i have also decided that i want to get a little mini eiffel tower to represent his aunty in paris.

hmm ideas seem to have dried up a bit. will try to post some progress pics tomorrow

- d


  1. Tivoli!! yay for tivoli!

    Apparently I had the mother of all temper tantrums at tivoli and demanded be allowed to live there (I was only 4 but I do not think the request was entirely unreasonable).

  2. oh my god no! not unreasonable at all! i would live there! you should see it in december - Kat would throw a temper tandrum and demand to live there now. one of my great grandfathers or uncles designed the concert hall!
