Saturday, 18 July 2009

Unfinished business

I keep my works in progress (I have 4 at present) separate from the works that need finishing off (2 in the bag). This gives me the illusion that I am not really all that bad and that I can maintain focus. Because once the knitting is done it's as good as finished and moves to a different, entirely separate from the stash and works in progress bags. I have chosen a relatively small bag for this to encourage myself to actually finish stuff in there from time to time.

Mostly this tends to not work. I don't like finishing things off. It's boring. And it's the moment of truth where frequently I learn that things have not gone according to plan. This means that it is too big or uneven or knitted in two different sizes or some other calamity.

Sometimes I think I should just switch to a diffferent hobby.

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