I don't have a stash really. After all most of the materials I have were for a specific project or purpose, even if I may not have started it and I've been hoarding embroidery thread like it's going out of fashion. Recently I decided that the stash situation needs to be brought under control and started to go through what I have squirrelled away.
1.In my box of embroidery stuff I found 1 unstarted christmas table cloth, 1 christmas runner complete except for sewing up, 6 christmas decorations started, 1 kimono lady almost finished except for border, 1 bag full of embroidery thread for unknown project and two smaller boxes almost full of embroidery thread for already completed projects.
2. I transferred all bead and jewellry items to a new (slightly larger) box - I have not really got enough in there to make anything specific tho' I see that I have no less than 5 bags of the beginnings of projects.
3. The various knitting bits and pieces now fill the bottom part of the vintage ikea cupboard. I have 1 baby hat waiting sewing up, 1 completed raggsokk the other is in progress, 1 wrap in progress, 1 cardigan in progress, 1 sock in progress, 1 blanket or something 3 squares done and of course the lusekofte awaiting an act of god or miracle to get it done. I also have wool for a pair of green socks for Kristina, wool for a cardigan for myself, posh wool for a scarf for my mother, lovely exciting dark blue wool for something, lilac mohair nightmare wool, and some cerise wool. Also of course leftovers from earlier projects.
4. However by far the biggest stash of stuff is my painting chest. It is full to the brim with paint and art stuff. Mostly paper, but also paints and some wood models. The easel did not get space so is squashed behind a book case. I would make a list of every item but that would challenge my view on how good I am at not just buying stuff for the sake of it.
I think I need help.
freakily i went through my stash of stuffs last night too! bizarro! think your collection exceeds mine (as do your unfinished projects ha ha). i went a bits purchasing last night (more of that anon)